You want to design and manufacture composite parts within the 3DExperience? The Composite Boat pack will allow you to discover the different design methods offered as well as the analysis and follow-up tools. Once your part is designed, you will be able to predict its drapability, to estimate the material necessary for its realization, to carry out the flattening of the folds in order to send them in cutting. Finally, through the use of "ply book" and tools such as laser projectors, you will have at your disposal all the necessary means for the crucial phase that is the manufacturing of your parts.
A) Composite design :
Ply creation :
Manual / grid method / Slicing method (associative methods)
Review tools :
Stacking management / Ply section / Multiple core sample
Numérical analysis (mass, ply surface by materials, CoG,...)
B) Composite Manufacturing Preparation :
Engineering to Manufacturing :
Manufacturing part creation / Synchronization
Engineering Edge Of Part / Manufacturing Edge Of Part / Material excess
Mold swapping
Document exportation
Manufacturing :
Real time producibility analysis
Dart creation
Ply flattening / Geometry transfert / Unfolding composite part
Splice plies management :
Manual or producibility based / Butt splice zone / no splice zone
Laser management
Document exportation